We are excited to welcome you to our vibrant Catholic faith community!
Whether you are new to our area, hope to explore or rekindle your faith, or just wish to reconnect with our parish, we invite you to visit our beautiful Church and stop by for a quick hello and cup of coffee at our Parish Center.
We hope to inspire, enrich, and support you and your loved ones as members of our growing parish family.
As your faith evolves, we welcome you to share your gifts and talents to participate in the fullness of charity that our parish brings to our community.
We are grateful for your presence and look forward to worshiping and serving our Lord together with you as a faith community!
In Christ,
Fr. Diego Buriticá Pastor
Fr. Sagar Gundiga, Assoc. Pastor
SAT | 4:00 PM 6:00 PM Español |
SUN | 7:30 AM |
9:00 AM Family Mass | |
11:00 AM | |
M-F | 9:00 AM with Rosary following. |
Tuesday with Rosary & Adoration following. Benediction at 6:00 PM. |
Sunday 9AM Masses are live-streamed and rebroadcast at 6:30PM by Westborough TV on Verizon Fios Channel 24 or Charter Spectrum Channel 191. You can view the Mass at any time by clicking on the date.
Feb 02 - 9:00 AM | Readings |
Feb 09 - 9:00 AM | Readings |
Feb 16 - 9:00 AM | Readings |
Feb 23 - 9:00 AM | Readings |
Mar 02 - 9:00 AM | Readings |
CLICK HERE to receive weekly links to Mass, Schedules, and Readings.
Sacramental celebrations are very important to us here at St. Luke's. We want to walk along with you and support your journey as you deepen your connection to your Catholic faith and grow closer to our Lord Jesus Christ.
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